Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Christy Ferer Speaks About Things to Consider Before Expanding Your Business

Vidicom CEO Christy Ferer actively learns ways to expand your business. After reading an article on, she found certain tips to keep in mind when growing your business. Some helpful tips include:

1)   Scale Locally, in Concentric Circles: Expanding in concentric circles is an efficient strategy. Word of mouth is the best marketing and if you can get people talking about you, they will talk with people in markets close by.
2)   Expand at Your Own Pace: Ferer recommends making sure that you are truly ready to take on another location before you jump right in.
3)   Keep Your Customers Top-of-Mind: It is easy to get distracted from some details with the excitement of expanding your business. However, you should never forget that your customers are your business and it is necessary that you keep delivering your product or service.
4)    Balance Building Your Brand and Business: It is important to build your brand and your business at the same time.  You should continue to build customer loyalty and affinity as you expand to new locations or markets.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Vidicom Thinks the New Twitter Update Will Encourage Verified Users Engagement

CEO of Vidicom, Christy Ferer, enjoys keeping up with social media news. The buzz right now is that Twitter followed up its announcement of reporting an IPO with unveiling an exclusive new feature. The update helps it's verified users manage their Twitter conversations better. Verified users are now able to filter their mentions within the “Connect” tab above their feed. Their mentions can be sorted in three separate categories: all, filtered, and verified. Vidicom thinks this new update will encourage Twitter’s most popular users to stay active on the social media platform. In addition, she thinks that Facebook ‘s upcoming VIP-only app will encourage celebs to engage more with fans.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Christy Ferer Suggests Ways Brands Can Avoid Messing Up on Social Media

Many brands engage with consumers via social media.  Although CEO of Vidicom, Christy Ferer, thinks this is a good strategy, it is possible for brands to mess up. She wants to help brands avoid screwing up on social media by sharing some suggestions:

Refrain From Participating in Certain Holidays: Brands should not try to exploit certain days such as Sept. 11 to sell products. Sept. 11- though not exactly a holiday- is a good example of a day many people commemorate and would like to do so without the input of brands.  

Refrain From Participating in Certain Discussions: A good counter example of this is Kenneth Cole who injected his brand about Egypt and Syria not to say anything profound, but to generate conversation.

Do you have any advice on how brands can avoid this? 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Leadership Tips To Implement - Shared By Vidicom

Christy Ferer is a New York City business leader and entrepreneur who loves learning more. CEO of Vidicom, Christy Ferer discovered helpful leadership tips from Twitter CEO, Dick Costolo, that she wanted to pass along.

1.    Don’t try to make friends. Costolo explained how this is easier said than done, but emphasized the importance of avoiding simply telling your employees what they want to hear. She agrees with Costolo that you should be confident and clear when dictating what must be done.

2.    There are many different ways to be a successful leader. Costolo explained that leadership techniques change. He  says, “The reality is, these people are the same people they were 10 years ago, and are going to be 10 years from now when it may not work at all for them.” We think that there are many paths to success.

3.   Be transparent. “The way you build trust with your people is by being forthright and clear with them from day one,” Costolo said. Christy Ferer thinks that as a leader it is important to gain trust from your people by providing transparency in your decisions and critiques.
Do you have any leadership advice you’d like to share? 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Christy Ferer Shares Ways to Increase Your Site’s Search Traffic

Vidicom CEO Christy Ferer, thinks that it is important for brands to get customers on their website. Christy Ferer collected advice for generating high-quality, organic search traffic to business’s websites from an article on that she wanted to share. Here are some tips we wanted to pass along:
Focus on the Long Tail: It can be a challenge to go after popular keywords right away if you are a new site. It is better to write many quality articles on very specific keywords.
Stick Around: We think that the longer you are producing quality online content, the more likely you are to pop up in search results for all related keywords.  
Optimize Your Articles: She agrees that there are three main ingredients to a successfully optimized web page or article: your meta title, description and keywords.
Link Building: Keyword-embedded links are the foundation of off-page search engine optimization.
To learn more ways to increase your sites search traffic click on the link below! 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Vidicom Encourages Brands to Interact with Customers via Social Media

Here at Vidicom we like keeping up with how brands are interacting with their customers. Christy Ferer thinks it is a great idea for brands to interact with their customers through social media. She found an interesting article on about the top 10 most-liked brands by US Facebook users. According to the article, Walmart is the most liked brand by Facebook users. Other list toppers include Target, Amazon, and Samsung Mobile. She encourages brands to continue to interact with their customers via Facebook and other social media outlets. 
Click on the link below to read more about the most liked brands by Facebook users:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Deborah Geigis Berry Visits Vidicom's Studios This Week

Christy Ferer welcomed Family Planning Expert Deborah Geigis Berry and she was at Vidicom’s studios this week filming an SMT on tips on helping families manage busy school schedules. Since it is the start of the school year and most teens are participating in an extra-curricular activity, parents and their kids’ schedule are busier than ever. There is homework, sports and other activities that take up a lot of time and families are trying to find creative ways to manage their schedules. We are thankful to have such talented spokespeople visit our studios.